Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween Updates

So, I haven't posted in awhile, and probably won't again for awhile more. I've got NanoWriMo starting tomorrow, and I'm gonna be working as a collaborator on another blog, Cherry Tree. Not to mention schoolwork and my extensive reading list.

I'll post the Cherry Tree blog address under "About" up there. That first post is like, tomorrow I think? Whatever. It's a writing advice blog, but a good one hopefully. Nata is the main... leader... thinker... person on it. *applauds*

NanoWriMo will be difficult, as I've never written over 4,000 words before (*gasp!* O.O) and my computer time can be somewhat limited due to me sharing a computer with my siblings. So, when I do get on the computer, I MUST STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET. Somehow, though, I don't think caps lock is going to help me keep this promise.

I haven't caught up (and will still lag behind in future months) that little reading list over there.
<--- I read kind of fast, and just start up a new one. I don't always plan which book it is I pick up, so you'll see under "Up Next" books I don't get around to.

Oh, and Happy Halloween! Some special pictures for the occassion (courtesy of photobucket):

Black cat. Classic halloween picture. And, oh, how I love cats, especially the black ones.

Zombie Tinker Bell. Don't worry, that's her hair hanging around her face, not her skin...

Narnia. Not very Halloween-ish, but still awesome.

If you don't want to gag, I suggest you read this in the most sarcastic voice you can summon up. *stifled laughter as I try my own advice*

So, that's it for my holiday update post. So, goodbye, for however long. Quote:
"If at first you don't succeed then skydiving definitely isn't for you." -Steven Wright

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More Music for the Soul... or Mine Anways

So, music.... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Okay, so there is no swearing, no degrading of women, no "wild moments in the dark" in these songs. I know it's been awhile since I posted some songs, so. Here goes. "City On Our Knees" by Toby Mac. I'm going to add this under 'smile'. It's very inspirational. Toby Mac is a Christian singer, but don't let that affect your decision to love this song. "Lonely Lullaby" by Owl City. Pretty sad. It's about him missing his girlfriend. It's actually quite beautiful, in that sad-song way. Very powerful. "The Last Night" by Skillet. Heavy- it's like, suicide/self-mutilation awareness. His girlfriend is a depressed cutter, and he's saying "I'm here for you." It's touching.

Don't know why I'm going with all these powerful songs, but here you go. Don't hate it till you've listened to it, if you love it, that's awesome and if you don't then that's fine too. So. I'm gonna end this post now, 'cuz I'm bored. Bye and quote:
"What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?" -Bill Waterson

(Calvin and Hobbes ;D)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It Is "Its"

So, I've have been doing more reading. A big, big problem is that irritating "its" and "it's".

it's- This is a contraction. "It is" as in:
"It's a lovely day outside." or "It's nice to meet you."
"It is" sounds really formal. I generally only use that in an essay or English paper. "It's" is for informal, dialogue kinda use. It's more of a "this-is-how-I-speak". There are probably other uses too, but this one is the basic.

its- this one shows possession. Like:
"Its blue fur felt warm under my hands." or "Its dying branches looked like fingers reaching out for God."
"Its" is like saying "his" or "her". If you don't know the gender, or the object is inanimate (rock, paper, scissors, etc.) then you refer to it as an "it". I really hope you already know this. Again, there are probably other uses, even if I'm too lazy to list them.

This is all I'm posting for now. Yea, it's short, but you will get over that (or you will be saying "Yes, it's over!!"). So, goodbye and quote~
"Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them." -Lemony Snicket

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pesky Punctuation, among other things

So, it's a new month. The second day, because I was too lazy to do it yesterday. And I'm finally going to write some writing tips. And yes, my post has a cool alliterative title. ;D

1. COMMAS. Going on inkpop, I notice commas are a big problem for people. Commas seperate two ideas. For example:
"Suzy ate some watermelon, then went outside."
I know my example is bad, but whatever. Notice I didn't put:
"Suzy ate some watermelon then went outside."
That one is incorrect, and a very common mistake. Another use for commas is to seperate nouns into a list. As I know that probably doesn't make much sense written that way, here is an example:
"I drove to the store for some milk, bread, and waffles."
This is generally only for lists as long or longer than 3 items. Now that wasn't too hard, was it? Something that I frown on:
"I drove to the store for some milk, bread and waffles."
This one is very controversial, because it's also correct. Some writers do prefer it this way. I can't remember what this comma rule is called, but it kinda makes me group bread and waffles together, like milk is an afterthought. So, I just put a comma after each item until I reach the "and".

2. HOMOPHONES. They sound the same, but have different meanings. Hear and here; two, to, and too; air and heir; sun and son. It looks downright weird if you use the wrong word. For example:
"I hear music in the air."
It is definitely NOT:
"I here music in the heir."
That is a funny mental picture. "Here I am, singing inside the heir to the kingdom!" Haha, sorry. But you get my point. The meaning of the sentence is confusing without the right word.

3. DIALOGUE TAGS. It is generally a smart idea to include dialogue tags. Not all of the time, but yea, at the very least a couple of times. You know what these are- "he said", "she replied". Example:
"'Bye, Mom!' she called."
You notice I used '' instead of "". That's because I already have quotation marks around the whole sentence, so I cannot add more to the dialogue without it being confusing. But normally, yea you put "" around dialogue. The word "she" is not capitalized.
"'I'm going to the library,' he told her."
Before the second quotation mark, you put a comma. You have to have some sort of punctuation before the second quotation mark, which is usually a comma. Unless you're not putting a tag at all, but that's irrelevent. For the first example, I have an exclamation point instead- you can put ! or ? at the end of a sentence instead of a comma, but make sure it doesn't look weird, like:
"'I'm going to the restroom?' she said."
Don't pose it as a question if it's a statement. Please. Here's an example of how NOT to do it:
"'Several monkeys are parading around our room' They told me."
No punctuation, and the 'they' is capitalized. Wrong. It should look like:
"'Several monkeys are parading aroung our room,' they told me."
Should anyone ever tell you that, just smile and nod. Do you understand all of this? Good.

That completes my grammar lesson for today. If you think I missed something or point out something wrong, politely tell me in a comment. I hope this post helps any of the grammar challenged out there. So goodbye, and:
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." -Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random Facts

So, I'm bored, and I'll post five random facts my research uncovered.Some of them I might have recently discovered, others I might have known for years. Just depends.

1. In Hinduism, people love cows so much, they let them wander the streets. They're considered holy. This is because Hindus believe in reincarnation, being born into another life after you die, and that some people are reborn into animals, like cows. And rats, and insects. If you're lucky, you get reborn into a higher social class.

2. Honey isn't just used for culinary purposes. It can be used on burns, rashes, sore throats, AND Ancient Egyptians used it for embalming the dead.

3. If a person in a coma is unidentified, then hospitals are still required to take care of them, until they can be. They might be assigned a court appointed guardian, who wouldn't pull the plug unless it could be proven that they wouldn't live for long and they were in pain.

4. Justice translates to "Iustitia" in Latin.

5. Color therapy can help cure depression in some people. Not everyone, but some.

I've started reading Mirrorscape now. I'm swamped with schoolwork, and it'll probably be awhile until I post anything again. I'll try, though. And now, a quote:
"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." -Oscar Wilde

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Life is Average

So, it's September now. I'll be going back to school next week, and to take my mind off stuff, I'm posting some MLIA. It's a website, and if you don't know what it stands for, look at the title of this post again.

1. Today, I joined the yahoo vs google war. I typed in "Edward Cullen is a..." in both. On yahoo, I got "Edward Cullen is dead." On google, I got "Edward Cullen is an abusive fairy." I think it's quite clear who the winner is. MLIA

2. Today I was having a random conversation with Cleverbot, when it all of a sudden started talking a language I didn´t understand. According to Google translate Cleverbot was talking gibberish in Croatian. I answered that I didn´t know Croatian. Cleverbot´s answer? "Polar bear language, man. Polar bear." MLIA

3. A few days ago, I was bored during math class and drew a few ninjas in my notebook. Today, I went to show them to a friend, and I couldn't find the pages I'd drawn them on. Well played ninjas, well played. MLIA

4. Today was the first day of school. As I got my new French textbook, I opened it up to find that it had previously been owned by Bellatrix Lestrange. French class definitely just got a little bit cooler. MLIA.

5. Today on facebook, I saw a page called "Unicorns are real, they're just fat and gray and we call them rhinos."

6. Today, while opening a bag of M&Ms I found an red heart shaped one. I always knew candy loved me just as much as I loved it. Mlia.

7. Today, my mom and I were driving home from my martial arts class and at a stop light I looked over at the car next to us. Instead of seeing the guy texting or on the phone, I saw him brushing his teeth. MLIA

8. Today in science, the boy next to me was writing OK in rows down his paper. Remembering reading this on an earlier submission to MLIA I said, "Stick figure army?" and he replied, "Ninjas." if you're reading this, you're awesome. MLIA.

9.  Today, I learned how to say Hogwarts in spanish. Win. MLIA

10. Today, the girl I was babysitting said "I don't like Disney princesses.  I like real princesses like in Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean.  Harry Potter's cool too.". This girl is going places.  HerLIA. 

Of all of these, my favorite is number one. Or possibly number five. :D I like this website. Can you tell?
Okay, my ending quote for the day (or night, as it's almost 10:00 pm):
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricanes and Books

So, by now I'm pretty sure you've heard about Hurricane Irene. It's in North Carolina/Virginia, so it'll hit where I live pretty soon. It's raining and the wind's blowing outside right now, so this post is gonna be pretty short. Even though we have a generator, I'd still rather be off the computer. XD

So, went to the library several days ago and got a few books. Oh, I LOVE libraries. They're like treasure chests, with unknown jewels on every shelf. *contented sigh* I got Poison and Mirrorscape, epic fantasy, the pictures of which are off to the side under my reading and up next list. I've also got "Bloody Jack", which is a pirate story.

The sound of the rain keeps rising and falling. I can hear outside- what I really hope is that the trees in our backyard don't fall down on us. It didn't happen during Hurricane Isabel 8 years ago (I was like, in second or third grade, so I don't remember too much, but since the trees are still there, I can only assume).

I am listening to Group 1 Crew, "Live It Up". It's the only song I know from them, but it's good, very smile. :) I'm gonna end this post now, before the storm really picks up, so a completely irrelevant quote:
"Books are like flypaper- memories cling to the printed page better than anything else." -Cornelia Funke